Hosting Solution

Linux Hosting

Basic Edge offers reliable and affordable hosting for small businesses, ecommerce websites and individuals around the globe. We offer inexpensive web hosting, but unlike other companies our shared hosting plans are reliable and stable as well. With every shared hosting plan you get 99.9% up time guarantee, therefore you can be absolutely confident that your website is online 24 hours a day and 7 days a week when you host it with Basic Edge.

Shared website hosting provides a cost-effective solution for small- to medium-sized businesses and personal websites. Basic Edge offers high-performance, high-availability Basic Edge's Hosting Platform is a cost-effective and scalable way to meet the evolving business and technical requirements of emerging and midsize companies. Basic Edge Host's services can be customized to fit your company's needs.

No other operating system can touch the speed, reliability and feature list of Linux. With more than150 different pre-installed features, Linux is the operating system chosen by eight out of ten web hosting clients.

Linux offers streaming audio and video, unlimited email accounts, PGP, secure server SSL access and total account management using our powerful Control panel.

Available Packages: We offer multiple storage packages that fulfil all your needs with multitudinous features.

For More Information Call Us at +91-9811633774 Or

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  • Backup
  • Manage email accounts
  • Webmail for all accounts
  • Spam filtering (SpamAssassin)
  • Manage FTP accounts (add, remove, change password)
  • Ability to kill FTP sessions
  • Web Protect (.htaccess editor)
  • Redirects
  • Ability to edit Apache handlers
  • Install/Uninstall FrontPage Extensions
  • Ability to add/remove subdomains
  • Subdomain redirects
  • Stats for subdomains
  • Interchange Cart
  • Java Chat
  • phpMyChat
  • Random HTML generator
  • Counter Generator
  • Java Countdown Generator
  • Bulletin Board
  • HTML Chat
  • CGI Wrapper (for non-suexec installs)
  • Advanced Guestbook
  • Java Clock Generator
  • Secure FormMail clone
  • Entropy Search
  • Manage MySQL databases
  • phpMyAdmin access